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To speed up your searching and help you refine your results, we have incorporated an autocomplete feature into our simple universal search engine. As a result, when you perform a search, we can suggest some of the most relevant results before you even finish typing.

We predict your search, and show you the main results of a partial search while you are still typing, and also suggest the most popular searches to make your job much easier.

Autocomplete will show you:

  • the main result
    • showing you the most relevant law or legal provision including the ability to search by popular name or by an acronym (i.e. FTC for the Federal Trade Commission)
    • instantly displaying the article of a law when you search for it (i.e. 15 USC 7001 will show the General Rule of Validity)
    • showing a decision when you search for it by official citation (i.e. 410 US 113 will show the Roe v. Wade decision)
    • Showing the most popular documents in vLex, in your selected jurisdiction, for a particular search (even a partial search)

  • popular search suggestions (based on previous searches by vLex users in that country)
  • other featured documents
  • the SmartTopics related to the search criteria
  • titles of sources (i.e. books or magazines) that match the search criteria

Autocomplete feature

Popular searches are autocompleted in all countries based on user searches. The SmatTopics of each country will be autocompleted in that country, but not in the vLex Global product. This means that a customer searching in their own country will only see the SmartTopics of their own country if they are searching in the local product.

This post is also available in: Español

Updated on February 11, 2020

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