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Previous versions and the version comparison tool.

vLex makes the task of reviewing previous versions of a rule and comparing changes between different versions much easier, faster and visually appealing.

1. See Previous Versions. Version Comparison table.

In vLex you have access to the previous versions of rules or regulations that were in force on a specific date. In addition, you can see a record of all of the changes that a specific rule has undergone with a detailed view of the items added, modified or repealed. To do this, simply select the “Versions” tab.

2. Versions Comparison Tool: Details of Changes

The new “View modifications” feature allows you to access a comparison tool that gives you a clear version of all the changes that have been made:

  • Original parts of the text will be underlined in red, with the modified text crossed out.
  • New additions to a text will appear underlined in green with the text clearly emphasized.

The vLex Comparison Tool will save you time and effort.

Available in only select countries

Previous versions of rules are available from the start (for Spain and Chile), from 2009 (for Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina), from 2016 (for Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Costa Rica and Uruguay), from 2017 (for Bolivia) and from 2018 (for El Salvador and Panamá).

The Comparison Tool is only available in Spain, Mexico (*) and Colombia for versions after 2012, in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, El Salvador, Ecuador, Bolivia, Panama and Costa Rica for versions after 2018, and in Chile for versions after 2018 of Codes, Laws, Decrees with Force of Law (**).

(*) A selection of relevant rules from before 2012 are also available in Mexico and Spain  (**) In Chile, a selection of rules below DFL are available after 2018

This post is also available in: Español

Updated on February 5, 2020

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